Private Company Executive Team Playbook: Top 10 Strategies to Generate Private Equity-like Returns
Industry Expertise Adrienne Penake Industry Expertise Adrienne Penake

Private Company Executive Team Playbook: Top 10 Strategies to Generate Private Equity-like Returns

Private equity firms have a proven track record of delivering strong returns to investors and outperforming broader equity markets. But how do they do it? Check out our Top 10 Strategies for Founders, CEOs, and CFOs at private companies to drive stronger growth and value creation for their own shareholders.

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Understanding the Terms and Covenants in a Credit Facility Lending Agreement

Understanding the Terms and Covenants in a Credit Facility Lending Agreement

The terms and loan covenants associated with a credit facility are critically important for the CEO, CFO and other key stakeholders to understand. These terms are heavily negotiated during the drafting of the credit agreement which can be aided by an experienced financial advisor.

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How Much Corporate Debt Is Right for My Company?

How Much Corporate Debt Is Right for My Company?

What is the optimal level of corporate debt for a company? If you are a CEO, CFO, Executive Board member, or corporate finance professional, you are tasked with asking and answering this question on a regular basis. Striking the right balance is challenging, but the benefits of achieving the optimal corporate debt structure can be significant. 

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